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After his great mixtape « Don’t sleep » out last year, hip hop artist FeSo finally released his first album « Manifeso ».
First thing I can say about it: beyond my expectation. Sincerely.
Between hiphop and soulful spirit, sounds are really well-worked. FeSo’s flow smoothly slides on the different rhythms that will definitely make shake your head.
My favorite song is For the record for sure maybe due to this awesome soulful loop but the whole LP definitely contains dope pieces.
Conscious lyrics with Change, hot swagger with Untitled or back in the dayz with Old school, all hip hop moods are represented. Musically, each instrument finds its place and makes the tunes sticking on your mind, whether it’s keyboard on Go get it, drums on Old School or the awesome saxophone on Paradise.
Do you want more? Check out this hot live where FeSo played at a Luda’s show:

Who said Hip hop is dead? When listening to such good thing, I’m not really sure…
So what you have to do now is:
– to go on Feso’s myspace page to learn and listen more (e.g dope song Heir Jordan)
– to read (or read again…) our older post about him (excuse my french…)
– if you like it (for sure !), then order a digital copy of Manifeso on iTunes (simply search Feso on iTunes Store, you’ll find it!).
– I know you find it awe so here is a special thing for you: For The Record
Prop to FeSo!

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