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Il vient tout juste de sortir sa nouvelle mixtape Don’t sleep 2 chroniquée ici.

FeSo, cet éminent emcee/producteur hip hop  de Chicago, nous fait également le plaisir de répondre aux questions de la JuBox,  sur sa vie, sa musique, son art, son avenir…

Voici FeSo en interview exclue!


What up Feso, hope you’re doing fine. First thanks a lot for this interview. Before speaking about music, let’s speak about you. Who are you? Could you introduce yourself?

F: I’m a hip hop artist from the Chicago-land area in the United States. Grew up on a lot of soul and gospel music, which got me into music. Got into hip-hop at a young age and started rapping age 13 and been doing it ever since.


When did you start making music? And did you make it only as an emcee or do you make more things like producing, playing an instrument or more else?

F: I started making music at age 13. Just freestyling with dudes on my track team. I played trombone for a year or so before I started rapping. I taught my self ‘Girls’ by the Beastie Boys. With the rapping though I got into just as an emcee but now I produce as well.

 What did trigger your passion for music and especially for Hip Hop? How did you manage to enter the game?

F: My parents were always playing music around my when I was growing up. My dad was a DJ so he had a vast collection of music that I got exposed to at an early age. I also family member that performed in choir and other acts. I got into the game just rapping with teammates in 8th grade and continue to work on it as the years went by.

 Don’t Sleep 2

Let’s talk about your last release. After two awesome Hip Hop releases, mixtape Don’t sleep and a first LP Manifeso, you’re about to drop a next mixtape Don’t sleep 2. Tell us more about it: what’s new compare to Don’t sleep 1, who did work with you on it (producers, singers, rappers, musicians etc.)? In other words, what can we expect?

F: Thanks for the support on the previous two projects. The whole ‘Don’t Sleep’ series now is something I like to put out in between projects to keep FeSo on peoples’ minds and remind them not to sleep on me while I’m working on other projects. ‘Don’t Sleep 2’ is different from the first ‘Don’t Sleep’ cause I feel that I’ve grown a lot as an emcee and producer since the release of the first DS. Having more fun on DS2, not to say I didn’t have fun with the first DS though. On DS2 I worked with a lot of talent people. AJ Crew, Kris Bills, David Ben-Porat, Relly Rell and Chuck P. This is my first project with features and I think it turned to be really dope. Look out for more projects with me the features on the EP in the future.

When did you start working on it?

F: I started working on DS2 in the fall of 2009 and recorded it during the winter of 2009

How did you choose the people who worked with you?

F: I like to work with anyone who is as dedicated to their craft as I am. The people on DS2 are just homies I know that are crazy dope at what they do and I felt they would be a really good fit for the project.

Why the name “Don’t Sleep”?

F: Don’t Sleep on FeSo…..

Your place in the music game

What about recognition of your work? Do you have a better fanbase now? More shows?

F: The fan base has definitely grown over the years. For example this interview, I would never thought I would be getting recognition from France or anywhere overseas for that matter. It’s incredible and greatly appreciated. With each project it seems more shows come my way and I love to perform so that’s always a good thing. I’d love to get a show in France, let’s make that happen haha. But I hope to keep expanding the FeSo name and message and thank you to all those who are helping with that.

Are you already signed on a label? Or do you expect it? Or would you like to sign on a major? 😉

F: I’m not signed now. I would hope to get signed one day. Who wouldn’t want to get paid for what they love to do? I don’t know where I stand on signing with a major. I am a big fan of indie labels like Stones Throw and RhymeSayers but the pub you get from major is something that can’t be ignored. I don’t know though. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I hopefully get there.

What do you think about current music industry? Is it very difficult to enter it? What can we expect for the next years? Business based on free sharing for instance? What else?

F: I think the music industry is not in a bad place but if definitely could be better especially where hip hop is right now. It’s making a lot of money but there are also a lot of horrible artist out there that don’t deserve any shine at all. I’m not hating on those people, they just suck… haha. Based on the people that are in the industry now you would think it’s not hard to get into but if you are not talking about dumb shit its seems that the mainstream media doesn’t want anything to do with you, that’s why I like indie labels to much. I think we can expect more freesharing. The internet is crazy how accessible music and artist are now compared to 5 or 10 years ago. With Twitter and all that it’s nuts. Things will probably continue in that trend for years to come because it gives the fans a better experience.


Let’s focus on your work again. What’s the next step? Do you plan some new releases? New projects with other artists?

F: The next step is to work on the new projects. I’ve been thinking about making an instrumental album but I’m not sure yet what I want to do next. There are some track floating around with me and another producer, Ugh, called Hank McFadden. There have been talks of doing projects with other artist but nothing has been started yet. Stayed tuned though…..

Next shows?

F: I have some shows planned in the next months but like I said before I love to come rock a show in France if that could be worked out.


Did you already come in Paris? Would you like one day to have a gig here?

F: I’ve never been but I’d love to come do a show. If you know of anyone who’s looking for artist let me know!

FeSo, thanks a lot, really appreciated!!

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