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This month is pretty dope for learning and singing new tunes, last weekend I was listening to some new mixtapes I would like to share with you.

The first one to be highlighted is « The Manual », new tape from Rhymefest, emcee from Chicago, no need to introduce him…I already told you in a post I really appreciate his work and this mixtape will not make my mind change! A mix of old school style (Native Tongue Medleys, Overpaid lover), Jazzy hip hop (Deal’s a deal), heavy beats (goin in) or very funny times (Tender Thug, wup your ass 🙂 ) and a special « dedication » to Charles Hamilton (in french hip hop, it’s a kind of clash…) in SuperSonic (check his flow!).
Best to do now is to check it here.

Second tape: Chester french, Jacques James Vol.1 Endurance. I knew this band through one of their hit song « She loves everybody »:

Kanye West’s manager Don C was the first well-known manager who revealed them to a lot of famous artists as Skateboard P who finally signed them on his label Star Trak.
Here we have a mix of pop (their origin music style),hip hop, electro beats, rock and some stars as Pharrell, Talib, Diddy…an interesting listening experience.
Click here to download this free album.
Last mixtape suggestion: Outasight, From Here to There (presented by Mick Boogie). Outasight (aka Richard Andrew) is an emcee from Yonkers who offers us an excellent, deep soulful and funky hip hop which sometimes makes me think to 9th wonder or Common.
Rapper, singer, an artist to follow!
His mixtape is here.
Enjoy it and shouts out to them!


  • jokolo dit :

    ryhmefest tape is preatty good, got to listen the other one, thanks for the info, and it’s a pleasure to read have a few post in english on the Jubox.
    mot en l’air. 😉

  • B from LU dit :

    Thanx Jokolo for your comment; we have to write in english as much as possible for our american readers 🙂

  • Stephinoxe dit :

    Merci pour ces 3 mixtapes de ouf!!! Elles tournent en boucle sur mon iTunes 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

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